Monday, September 21, 2015

The Avon Opportunity (Original Post Date May 2015)

  It was about a year ago when I first thought about the Avon Opportunity but the Avon Opportunity wasn't the only Direct Sales Company I was looking in to. I weighed the pros and cons of each company. I was so on edge of which one to join because I knew someone who was apart of this Other Direct Sales Company and I almost signed up with her. Things came up financially at the time to where I couldn't sign up. To sign up with the Other Company it would be $100, which unfortunately or maybe fortunately I did not have at the time. It was three times that I nearly joined with her but each time something came up. 

So fast forward to March 2015 I began to look in to the Avon Opportunity again. I requested information probably twice but still wasn't sure if Avon would be the right fit for me so I never responded. I mean I worked in Retail/Sales for 17 years but I think it was the Direct Sales part that scared me even though I dealt with it in my 17 year career. I knew how to up sell, cross sell, Interacting professionally with customers and making them happy was my strong what was I worried about? I think it was the idea of change. I worked 14yrs with a major retailer as an ASM so I knew I was capable but the idea of something new scared me!

What sold me on Avon you ask? Well the fact that it was only $15 to start my Own Business I think is what really sold me on Avon. There's also the fact that there's no Quotas, you are not required to by product to keep on hand, you get your own FREE Estore and the list goes on. The earning potential is endless, it's all what you put in to it. So whether it's FT, PT or just for fun it's completely up to but the potential for great success is endless!

You will receive full earnings , as described above, with the exception of fixed earnings products, which are marked in the brochure. Earnings on these products are 20% for representatives and 25% for President's Recognition Program members. 
You will also earn 20% (25% for President's Recognition Members)  on any online orders that are shipped directly to your Customers. 

I am 3 campaigns in, my Cycle Sales to Date are $672, My Online Direct Delivery Sales are $118 for a combination total of $790. My earnings so far are $140.56, you may say wow that's not much but nothing happens overnight and you get out of it what you put in to it! My ultimate goal is to heavily market my online business in order to build substantial sales which will in turn bring substantial profit. 

Remember there's no right or wrong to the amount of time you put in to it. There's those who do it for fun, those who do it PT and those who do it FT, it's all about what you want to get out of it! 

I will leave you with some benefits of why you may want to start your Business Today!

Still have questions or concerns? Please don't hesitate to ask! 
Believe in yourself
Believe in Avon



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Customer Appreciation Week Deal #2

Guess what time it is? It's Customer Appreciation Week, where it's all about You and this week when you place a Direct Delivery Order Online you can take advantage of  the 5 days, 5 great deals offers! There will be a New Deal each day starting on  9/14 and will run through 9/18!

It's here, Deal #2! What is it? Well, it's some of Your Faves from Skin Care to Bath & Body, Makeup and More, all under $10! Get a sneak peak here before you visit My Estore to check out the other Great Deals that are included in Deal #2.

What's even better is I'm going to give you a Coupon Code to use if you spend $25 or more! Get FREE Shipping on Any Direct Delivery Order of $25 or more! Use Code:ONEDAY
Offer Expires Midnight 9/15/15! 

Shop AVON C20 Online 9/4-917! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Customer Appreciation Week!

Guess what time it is? It's Customer Appreciation Week, where it's all about You and this week when you place a Direct Delivery Order Online you can take advantage of  the 5 days, 5 great deals offers! There will be a New Deal each day starting on  9/14 and will run through 9/18!

And Deal #1 is........
Yup, that's right....FREE Shipping on Any $20+ Direct Delivery Order Online! Use Code: DEAL1 and this offer Expires Midnight 9/14/15. 

I can not wait to share the other Great Deals with you! I'm so Excited to be able to share such Great
Deals with my Beautiful Followers and Future Followers! 

Click Image Avove to SHOP NOW! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

My Blog Re-Design

So, after posting an article to FB about how to name your blog, I finally took the plunge and 
Re-named mine! Over the next week or so I will be redesigning and updating my blog site for my Beautiful Followers!

I chose the name The Lip-Glossary because I love lip gloss, I love speaking to people about Beauty, Fashion and More, as well as AVON and the #GreatProductsAtGreatPrices they have to offer! All of this then becomes my Glossary of Valuable, Meaningful and Insightful information for YOU my Beautiful Followers!