Saturday, June 6, 2015

Did You Know?

Did you know that you can back order from the previous two Avon Campaigns prior to the current campaign? Well you can! You have the option to shop from the current campaign as well as back order from the two previous campaigns and it's so easy!

Below is a video that will walk you through how to back order from the previous two campaigns prior to the current campaign. 

Shop the current Avon Campaign 13 5/30-6/11 Online. 

To order from the previous two campaigns prior to Avon Campaign 13 visit and follow the simple steps in the video above. To shop by product number you must have the product number to do so. To shop by product name you just need a general description of the item. 

Back order from Avon Campaign 11 through 6/11/15 

Back order from Campaign 12 through 6/25/15


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