Saturday, December 12, 2015

Just Say NO to Powder Blush in the Winter Months

Good Evening Beautiful Followers! You're probably asking why I'm saying, "Just Say NO to Powder Blush in the Winter Months??!!" Well, here's why...because Powder Blush can actually dry your skin out even more than it already may be just from the Winter Months!
 So if you have dry skin during the Winter Months then....
Just Say NO to Powder Blush in the Winter Months

So...You're probably saying, "well what should I use in place of my Powder Blush?" Well, it's really a pretty easy choice. In place of your Powder Blush try a Cream Blush during the Winter Months. A Cream Blush is going to blend in effortlessly, more or less becoming one with your skin, as opposed to fighting against your skin by making it even more dry like a Powder Blush tends to do during the Winter Months.

AVON has a Be Blushed Cheek Color that is a Cream Blush. It comes in 8 fabulous color choices, is regularly $8.00 and at times does go on sale. Check Here for Current Pricing.
Check out Be Blushed Cheek Color Reviews Here 4.6 Stars out of 5 based on 299 Reviews, with 92% of reviewers saying they would recommend Be Blushed Cheek Color!
Be Blushed Cheek Color can also double as a lip tint, simply by applying to the lips for a hint of color.

Don't forget there's 2 Days left in The Avon 12 Days of Deals! Check out Todays Deal Here.  Also be sure to follow my blogs to see the Final Deal of The Avon 12 Days of Deals!

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