Monday, January 4, 2016

My #1 Beauty Secret? Confidence Your #1 Beauty Secret? Confidence
Good Evening Beautiful Followers! I'm blogging tonight to tell you that Your #1 Beauty Secret should be Confidence! Why? Well, having Confidence is only going to get you to the top of where ever you wish to be! Being Confident and Believing in your ability to do what ever your Dreams and Goals are is how you will succeed in making those Dreams and Goals happen!
How do I know this? Well, when I started my Career out with Kohl's in February of 2000, I started out as a Department Supervisor.  Now, when I started with Kohl's I already Loved what I did. Working in Retail was my Passion. I loved merchandising, replenishing, leading a team and yes, even working with customers.
The Happiest day of My Career with Kohl's was in July 2006 when I was offered a promotion from and Area Supervisor to an Assistant Store Manager by my SM and DM. I cried because I was so excited and relieved that my hard work was finally paying off!  Why? Because.....
I went on to work for Kohl's until May of 2014, in those 14yrs I worked my way through 3 promotions, 9 positions within the Company and I worked at 4 stores, 2 of which I helped open. I was able to get that far simply by having Confidence and Believing in myself, along with support from those who believed in me as well.
In August of 2009 I was asked to take a CFH ASM position in a store that was struggling (at least in the areas I was taking charge of.) Now, mind you I was going from a store that did 13-14 million in a year to a store that did 32 million in a year. Talk about a huge Confidence breaker on top of knowing it was a store that was struggling (in the areas of which I was taking charge of.) I went in with all the Confidence in the world and the Belief that I could turn my areas around, well, that lasted all of a few days. I cried, I told myself I couldn't do it and I thought what the heck was I thinking when I took this position! I quickly pulled myself back to reality, the reality that I knew I could get the job done that was being expected of me. Why? Because.....
Guess what? I did it, I got all of my areas that were struggling turned around. I even had my DM tell me at one point that I wouldn't be able to turn one of my areas around  unless I changed the person that was in charge of that area. I challenged him on his statement and told him to not doubt me with out giving me the chance first! Do you know a year later we were doing a walk of my areas, as we got to this specific area he stopped me and said, "You know when I told you over a year ago that you would not be able to change the bad habits of someone who's been with the company so long?" I said, "Yes." He said, "well I just want to tell you that I'm sorry I doubted you and that I was wrong." Let me tell you I am so glad I found my Confidence and Belief that I could get it done because that day was the best feeling in the world to know that someone recognized my hard work and my teams hard work!
In November of 2010 I was asked to take a position as an HR/OPS ASM in a store that was struggling. I was asked because they felt I was the right person to get that store turned around. I said, "yes" immediately because I felt it could only benefit my career in the long run. Long story short here, I let this store and some of the people in it break my Confidence and Belief that I could get the job done that was expected of me! This was the store that became the demise of my Career! So in May of 2014 I decided that I had had enough of the tears, the drama, the I don't care attitudes, and the it's not my fault it's their fault scenarios.
Now, while I take fault for letting individuals take away my Confidence and Belief, I could not and would not take fault for continuing to do something I no longer had a Passion for! In the end I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and the reason that I let my Confidence slip away was so that I could start a New Journey of being a Stay At Home Mom and starting My Own Business with AVON!
So even though I believe I let my Confidence slip away for a good reason, there's still a purpose to having it, I would have not gotten to where I did in my Career with Kohl's had I not had it to begin with!
So no matter how it's written or displayed the meaning is the same and don't let anyone ever take it away from you, if what you are after is truly your life Dream, Goal and Passion!
I am so glad I found My Passion again! Being a SAHM and AVON! Want to join my team? Just follow the "Join My Team Here" Link below.
REMEMBER......Your #1 Beauty Secret? Confidence!
I truly hope in my writing about my Successes and Failures this helps someone who may struggle with having Confidence. I too at one point was shy and low key with no Confidence what so ever but I'm here to say anything is possible when you put you mind to it!
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