Thursday, May 28, 2015

Free Avon Products

Would you love free Avon Products? I know I do, who wouldn't! I will be receiving my first Free Avon Product Bundle tomorrow because I placed an order of at least $100 in my 2nd campaign.

 What am I talking about you ask? It's the "Just for You" Program where you have the chance to earn up to $240 in Free Avon Products when you place an order of at least $100 in your 1st 4 Campaigns. Hit $100 order in all 4 Campaigns you have a chance to earn a Bonus valued at $145 when you place an order in your 5th Campaign!

There are so many opportunities to earn Great Rewards like Free Avon Products, Free trips, Bonus Checks and so much more! I know my goal is to reach for all of these Rewards and beyond!

I'm so excited about all of the endless opportunities available with Avon and I know you will be too! 

Click here to start your business today


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