Thursday, May 28, 2015

How to Exclude all Hits from Bots and Spiders

So, how many of you have become frustrated when reviewing you Google Analytics Reports? Specifically the Source Medium Report where it is telling you where your traffic is coming from. I know I have because there were certain traffic sources that I just couldn't figure out what they were. So with a little research I realized they are Bots or Spiders as they call them. 

One of the most useful pieces of information on these Bots And Spiders that I found was from Wikipedia

Now even though my biggest source is Direct, it's still frustrating to see that these Bots were my next biggest source of traffic!

The Following are presumably Bot or Spider sites: (Not 100% sure about this one but none the less not sure I want it)

I put together a video on How to Exclude all Hits from Bots and Spiders so that you can get a more accurate reporting of your Traffic Source! 


I hope this may help with others frustration as well it did mine!

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